A little about myself¡KI am a 26 year old female and have suffered with shy bowel all my life as well as suffering with social anxiety disorder, OCD and depression. Shy bowel has severely affected the quality and enjoyment of every aspect of my life. I have allowed my bowel movements to control and rule my life. I have tried Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Cognitive Analytical Therapy, Hypnotherapy, countless different types of anti-depressants and diazepam; all with little to no affect! ƒ¼ So when I found this site and read about a workshop being held, I jumped at the opportunity ¡V nothing ventured, nothing gained! I had some initial reservations about the workshop, mainly being the distance I would have to travel away from my ¡¥safe¡¦ place of home and my toilet! However, Baz had anticipated this being a problem for fellow suffers, and I was much relieved to find out that the workshop was being held in a travel Inn meeting room. I was therefore able to book a room there for the night and have to hand a private toilet for my convenience ¡Vhooray! I must mention that Baz had also kindly hired out a room to provide us with a safe sanctum (private toilet) if need be. Due to my social phobia I took my mother along with me for support; thanks Mum! After spending nearly three years relatively housebound to travel such a distance and meet unfamiliar people was a huge step for me; but with hindsight I can say very well worth it! What can I say, I didn¡¦t realise talking about pooh or the lack of it could be so informative and funny, I can¡¦t remember the last time I have had such a laugh and good day out! I have to admit that I was shocked at the lack of participants; there was Baz, another female sufferer and myself, with my mum. However it was such a pleasant surprise that within our small intimate group we all as people ¡¥gelled,¡¦ relaxed and was able to speak freely and intimately without shame and embarrassment. Just meeting and hearing about the others` experiences and their ordeal of living with shy bowel was very liberating in itself! I found it very different and far more effective talking face to face rather than just reading and posting messages on the internet site. It was so beneficial to finally talk to people who could not only understand and sympathise with me but offer practical and useful advice and solutions.