What I meant was that I used to always fear going to the bathroom in public and so I just avoided it altogether. I guess somewhere along the line I went to the bathroom in public, got really worried about it and was able to go some but not completely. Does that make sense? That’s what I mean by “pinching” it off…like you get nervous and then you go a little but can’t finish, and unlike urinating, the bowel movement doesn’t come right back if you get nervous and don’t finish. I get the urge to go but as it’s coming out its like my body will shy away from completing it because I’m nervous about it, and then the urge doesn’t come back until the next time I go. Does that make sense? It’s literally exactly how it works when you are shy about urinating in public, you go a little and then if you are the nervous type you’ll stop…and you go more, etc. Bowel movements get cut off and they do not come back. Is that bad for the body? It’s uncomfortable…does anyone follow?
Anyway, I developed a complex with that a long time ago and now whenever it happens once I worry it will happen again, which it does because I get so anxious and obsessed with it that I am nervous again. My surrounding has nothing to do with it, although I’m sure it started when I was first in a public place.
Good advice about the laxatives and doctors. I’ll stay away. I’m never constipated, just this problem is the only one I ever have, and it doesn’t make sense to me. If I understood it a little more I would feel better. I don’t understand it. My mom has IBS, do you think this sounds more like that than parcopresis?