If I had to get in a car with someone without being able to take pills to cope, I know that, like you, I would have to go to the loo. When I need to go like this, it is really urgent and I feel that I might have an accident - which makes me panic and then it is worse. Have never had an accident, but have been absolutely desperate sometimes, which is awful. Was once trapped on a crowded boat without a loo for half an hour with stomach cramps - dreadful. The trouble is, when you have a bad experience like this it reinforces your negative thinking. My fears extend to other areas of my life too - basically anywhere where it would be embarrassing or impossible to go to the loo freely. The problem started after a particularly stressful period of my life and has gradually become worse and spread to different situations, such as theatres, dinner parties (if the loo is near the dining-room or I feel people would notice me going), trains (loos might be broken or just not present), meetings at work and so on. Have tried hypnotherapy and counselling, with limited success. Was deemed not 'severe enough' for cognitive behavioural therapy on the nhs, but am about to go back to my dr and beg for more help, as this is affecting my life so badly. I think cbt is probably the best route as it is the cycle of negative thinking that exacerbates the panic and brings on the feeling of 'having to go'. I am so sorry that you suffer the same problem - but it is a relief to know that I am not the only one.