staying at someone's house for the weekend. HELP!!
Posted by worriedsick! on 12/13/2007, 8:59 am
I'm 17 and I've always had a problem going to the loo in anyother place but my own house. (and only then can i go if its only family here.) but recently i've got a boyfriend and it's a long distance thing. So he comes over and stays on the weekends. I find it really difficult to go to the loo and i have to turn the shower on and say i'm washing my hair. and if i can't do that then i just don't go for the whole weekend. Now i'm terrified cos i've got to stay at his house this weekend and i don't know how i'm going to manage! he knows about my fear but that doesn't stop me being afraid. i also have the worries that he'll have told his parents and they will think i'm a freak. My mum doesn't even understand, she tells me i need to grow up! what am i supposed to do?