I think one of the reasons those of us with these types of problems still have them is because people with social phobias and anxiety issues don't give a lot of speeches! We need someone (who doesn't have this problem) to take on the health insurance system, doctors, the ADA, Congress, whoever... to get this problem recognized as a crippling disability and to secure research and funding to cure it.
I get the feeling that a lot of people on this site, are like me. We would rather spend our time at home alone, rather than doing something that would call attention to this problem.
I don't have the answers, but my gut instinct (pardon the pun) is to start making noise.
I hope Baz's book gets lots of attention and media coverage. I wonder when it's due out?
Here's something I can do. I have access to media outlets in the U.S. I can send press information to them about this problem. Perhaps even pitch story ideas to a select few journalists I think might write something. If you, or anyone else has suggestions, please post them on this site.
As for your situation, I think you should ask your mother to move her computer. Help her do it. Tell her that it's something she can do to make your life better. It doesn't matter if she makes fun of you for asking, as long as she complies. If she doesn't understand, tell her you don't need her to understand, you just need her to do it!!! She'll get over it.
Regarding your job, have you thought about things you might be able to do from home to earn a living? (I know you probably have.) Don't give up on this. You seem like a good writer. Maybe you could put that skill to use.
I quit my job two years ago because I was super stressed out about the constant public scrutiny I was under. I had to give lots of presentations and speeches, which I hated, and the bathroom issue was not fun! I was so stressed from work, I couldn't even go at home on weeknights. The only day of the week I ever went #2 was on Friday nights after I relaxed a bit.
I work from home now, make less money, and pay for my own health insurance. And, I'm a million times happier. I get to use the bathroom at home whenever I want (except for when my boyfriend is here).
I don't know about you, but life is too short to be stuck in miserable situations. The reality of it is, we have a problem. We have to take charge of managing that problem the best we can.
Good luck, I wish you the best.