Used another one today. Wanted to go out and wanted to avoid having a shy + urgent problem while I was out. Used the opportunity to more closely observe the experience so I could provide more info.
Incidentally I am absolutely sure that there are other people out there with similar problems and would love for them to be able to benefit from anything I discover. So I think it’s a very good idea to share discoveries on this site, however countercultural it may seem. Worth the risk of possibly losing my anonymity, although I hope that won’t happen.
1. I have been using Sainsbury’s Constipation relief glycerol suppositories BP 4g adult size, as specifically recommended by the incontinence nurse
2. Almost as soon as I put one in I feel the urge to empty my bowel. The instructions say hold it in for a while. I hold it in for between 10 and 20 minutes – that’s about all I can manage.
3. The first bit of poo is wet and squirty. What follows that is a normal Type 4 bowel movement, same as it would be without the suppository. A couple of times I’ve seen the remains of the suppository in the toilet after I’ve flushed it – it sinks to the bottom and escapes being swept away in the first flush. It looks pretty much the same as when I put it in, so I don’t think I’m absorbing much of it and certainly very little if any hangs around after the poo.
4. I’ve used 9 so far and on each occasion that’s been it for the day – no need for any more bowel movements. I need to buy some more (they come in packets of 12) and hope that Brexit won’t affect supplies!
5. No problems of any other kind eg tummy upset or bruised intestines.
Happy New Year!
Shy + Urgent