Hi! I understand you, something similar happened to me. I used to get really nervous when I couldn’t “escape” from a place to go to a toilet, even if i just didn’t need to go, because i feared that I’d sh*t myself! Mind you, such thing has never happened to me, it was just an irrational fear that i did not know how to overcome. I feared going on holiday or being around too much people or even my friends! And having those obsessive thoughts, made my bowels feel as if i had to go to the toilet all the time! It was awful and i had a lot of anxiety. And the fact that it seemed to be such a silly thing, made me feel embarrased of myself. But I have managed to overcome this irrational fear. It has not been an easy task, and I have had to fight against my own negative and anxious thoughts many times. But let me assure you that you can get out of there and enjoy life once again! I would recommend you to speak to a pshycologist, it helps you with the motivation. And also, so as to overcome your fears there’s no other way than to face them. By avoiding situations you are no comfortable in, you are just being more scared of them happening. So if you are currently scared of going on a trip, go on a trip! Start little, maybe a weekend or 4 days. You will see that these thoughts are not real, just in your imagination (if you are a healthy person and don’t have any stomach issues). Moreover, try to tell it to your most trusted friends or partner. They will not judge you, and try to make jokes about it. It is essential that you don’t give much importance to that issue, because the more you think about it, the worse it gets. And finally, I would recommend you not to opt for those supositories if it’s a matter of a psycological issue. I believe it’s not healthy to poo thanks to external factors if you don’t have a medical issue. Otherwise your happiness will depend on using them or not, and thus your problem won’t be solved at all. I don’t recommend you to go to the easy option. Fight your fears by facing them and realising it’t all in your head, it’s not the reality and you are not in danger! Don’t let your fear control your life! It’s a long road, but it’s the attitude with which you face your problem that matters! Pd: that’s what worked for me, and I’m from Spain so there might be mistakes in my lenguage, srry