Posted by Scott Crouse on 9/6/2008, 6:28 pm, in reply to "LD or SLD"
LD and SLD are one in the same. The specific types of disability listed within the definition of SLD are intended to serve as examples of the most common disorders which often fall within the realm of a specific learning disability and should definitely not be considered a complete list. But clearly Autism cannot be on the list as it is a separate handicapping condition with its own set of criteria. Many handicapped children identified in one category (or more) display characteristics of additional handicapping conditions. But the role of the evaluation team is not to identify every possibility but to identify the most pervasive underlying condition(s). When a child is identified with any handicap he/she is entitled to any special education services for which he/she demonstrates a need. Your son doesn't need to have additional labels in order for his needs to be appropriately met. The labels he already has are very broad and may accurately reflect the real underlying issues causing the other "diagnoses" you mention.