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    Re: Deja vu , but even more ads. Archived Message

    Posted by Bruce Basher Napier on 27/7/2007, 4:03 pm, in reply to "Deja vu , but even more ads."

    Geno, advertorial is a fact of life these days for any magazine. It's advertorial that pays most of the bills and keeps the cover price down to where we can all afford it. The cover price of the mag without advertorial would be outlandish and no-one would buy it - you would not be able to sneak into the shop for a free read because it would quickly cease to exist.
    My challenge to you is to find a way round this and suggest a way to publish the mag without advertorial. Be warned though, if you can do it you will become a very wealthy man.
    I remember once before you complained about the mag ie not enough info for "advanced surfcasters". Grant Dixon challenged you to produce an article. To my knowledge you have yet to respond. I am prepared to help you with that challenge if you wish, who knows you may just have it in you to become a regular contributor.
    For what it's worth to you, Steve Napier has submitted his first article to the mag and it was accepted and is waiting in line to be published. I will have an article out in a month or two which will be co-written by two other members of this board. One of them is already writing for the mag. The other is a young bloke whose achievements over the past year or so certainly give him the credentials to put together something of interest to all. If his effort on this project makes the "writers bug" bite hard I will be pleased indeed. So, come on Geno give it a go, my offer of help is a genuine one.
    I've been on this planet long enough Geno, to realise there are two types of critisism. The constructive type offers suggestions and alternatives and we all wind up being the better for it. Destructive critisism offers nothing - no help, no suggestion , no alternatives and NO-ONE is better off for it. I leave you to decide which type your post belongs to.
    As far as the mag goes, Grant is always open to direct suggestions from readers. He's the sort of bloke that will walk a hundred miles to help out. How about you just taking one small step in return?

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