You know that troublesome stomach cramping I was having? And I shot out a huge log? Then the next day I took another solid dump? Well, today the suspected diarhea came with a vengeance. A good diarhea this morning and then an amazing one just now. Literally a four second instance of wind breaking. A new record for me. I felt it reverberating in my chest. This was a full body passage of wind. As for the diarhea itself, very watery, quite smelling, but not the sickly smell of the morning dump. Obviously, faeces doesn't smell good at the best of times but humans (as is true with probably most animals) can endure or even enjoy their own smell. But this one I had this morning...oh god. Quite a foreign odour. I had to flush straight away after smelling that. I wonder where this fondness for one's poo smell comes from in the evolutionary tree. Obviously, chimps and gorillas love the stuff. They're known for throwing it around. Probably the other great apes too. And dogs with marking the territory. That's obviously the same principle. They like their smell and dislike other dogs' smell. Same applies to wild dogs. Cats, same thing. Both the domestic and great varieties will mark their territory. But are they pissing or emiting some anal spray? I've never had a cat so I don't know. How about horses? I don't know. Actually, any barnyard animal I don't know about but I've not heard of these issues. Perhaps it's just predator animals. Let's just think about mammals for the, I can't think of any mammal predators that I haven't mentioned. There must be some. Yeah, Wikipedia gives all dog and cat varieties so maybe that's it. Oh, bears. They're similar to dogs. Yeah, probably the same issue with marking territory then. Oh, actually not really. They mark territory but by clawing and biting at trees and then rubbing against it. No faeces or urine involved, apparently. Weird. They are closely related to dogs, after all. Fox, yeah they probably do it. Instead of just guessing I should look them up first. Yeah, they do. So that's pretty much it for the predatory mammals. Do birds do it? The lack of Google articles suggests no. Reptiles? Probably not. Same with fish. Amphibians too if you want to include these freaks in the discussion. Seems to be a mammal thing then. Possibly just predators. Apparently deer mark territory by rubbing their antlers across trees, similar to bears. So yeah, I guess liking one's own faecal smell is connected with both being a mammal and the predator thing. All connected to marking territory. Look at that. Just by following the logic, the world has become a less confusing place. |
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