Speaking of Jesus' birth, I can't believe that they're showing A Christmas Story on Channel 5. Yes, it's in the afternoon on a weekday on a channel nobody watches but still. In "Great" Britain? This is a first for me. In the US, they used to show this in marathon form every Christmas. 24 or 48 hours of this back to back. I'm not the super fan that so many other of my countrymen seem to be but I have an obligation to uphold its virtues because it's the only film I know of that takes place in my hometown. Not Chicago but shitty Hammond (or as it's called in the film, "Hohman", which is a major street in Hammond). It's about a kid in the 1940s and the mischief he gets up to around Christmas. Released in 1983. Some adult themes. Also some Asian jokes (e.g. the guys in the Chinese restaurant singing Deck the Halls and pronouncing "fa la la" as "fa ra ra"). So I don't know if it's still shown in the US what with the hypersensitivity there these days. I still can't believe when I looked at a job application for a job in California a few years ago and they had a whole half-page section about how it's a "fragrence sensitive workplace" or something so you can't wear perfume, cologne, or "strong deodorant". I mean, sure, we've all encountered the odd person who uses too much of this stuff but why not just ask them in private to tone it down if it's really that bad? Why do you need a policy for a blanket ban on fragrences? It's something to do with the 10 people on earth who are allergic to the stuff. Anyway, Christmas Story was also the inspiration for the Wonder Years. It has a narrator which is the boy, as a man, years later, same as in the Wonder Years. It amazes me to think that when the Wonder Years was on in the late 1980s to the early 1990s, it was a show about the late 1960s to the early 1970s. So it was describing events that happened 20 years earlier. It seemed to be in the distant past to me. But a Wonder Years of today would be describing events from 1996. It doesn't seem so long ago. Anyway, bought a bunch of potatos and bacon today so hopefully this lasts me through Christmas. I've only bought potatoes once before. Are they supposed to expire so quickly? I only have five days to eat this shit. It's from Tesco. A big bag was £1. Maybe I did something wrong. |