Amusing video here: Suda51 (not his real name) wrote the story for an early Fire Pro game and it ended with the protagonist killing himself after he wins the championship. So an unconventional ending. Man, I can't wait for that Fire Pro action. You can apparently sim online too. I don't know how that will work. Why would you want to sim other people? Pit your wrestler against another's, I guess. could that by yourself. I don't know. Maybe they're coming up with something clever. And only four people at a time will be able to play online. They're hoping to maybe get it up to six. Why not eight? Why even stop at eight? Why is eight the maximum number of wrestlers who can be in the ring at the same time? If there's too many it gets ridiculous but I'd like to see maybe 20. You can have a 20 man battle royale. That would be awesome. Four people at a time. It's ridiculous. Every first person shooting game has a 32 person limit at least. Fire Pro can only manage four? Why? It's certainly not the graphics that are holding things back. I think it would be tough to find eight people to play the game online anyway. There's a small, diehard group of super nerds who enjoy the series but that's it. Outside of Japan, I mean. I think it's reasonably popular and mainstream in Japan. Maybe I should move to Japan. I don't want to teach English, though. Maybe there's enough deposition work that I could do. Or get a job as a salaryman. It would have to be a salaryman who doesn't speak Japanese and doesn't want to work much, though. No more than 30 hours a week. I have this whole month off. After I passed out last month, I told both companies that I don't want to work in April. I had three jobs lined up directly with the solicitors. One was for 1 day, one for 3 days, and one for 4 days. So sweet. That will pay the rent no problem. But the first two jobs settled. I billed them £100/day but who knows when or if they'll pay. That's a problem with a lot of these people. These assholes are making a fortune but they don't like to pay. The other job is next week and I think it will go ahead. So that's something. Then I have my small claims case the week after that. I'm going to submit my bundle of documents tomorrow. Going to check out a Russian store in the vicinity as well to see if they have some kielbasas. Let's check out Tinder. Oh, this 22 year old Irish girl replied. I asked if she's actually Irish or it's just a sectarian thing. She says she was born and raised in Ireland. Great! What a conversationalist. "Hey, Legin, didn't you recently complain about women dogging you for not being able to hold a conversation?" Indeed. However, it's different with these internet women who give brief replies. They're giving you shit replies because they're lazy and disinterested. When I'm on a date and can't come up with anything interesting to say, it's not for a lack of trying. These internet women expect the dancing monkey style of courtship. And this actually extends to the actual dates. They want you to do all the work. Impress them. They deserve it. This 22 year old, uneducated, immigrant who works in a pub deserves to have men falling over themselves trying to entertain them. "Say something witty, you buffoon." How about we have a two-way conversation instead? A free exchange of ideas between equals? It's too wild a concept for these internet women to understand. Sent a message to some 27 year old with jacked up teeth about a week ago. She didn't reply. Now I'll never know why she took a picture of an establishment called Mr Lube. Not that I gave a shit but, like most women, her profile was blank so I was desperate to come up with things to talk about. I could have asked why she doesn't get those Chiclets fixed but I don't know. There's no perfect topic. You can write total shit. If they're interested, they'll reply. If they're not, they won't. And frankly, I wasn't even interested in this vampire dullard. You know, I was thinking, this time next month, I could be in Finland. And I don't mean Helsinki, I mean out in the middle of nowhere. A Finnish govenment agency would probably even help me find an apartment. How awesome is that? That's service. I was reading about the Finnish Right of Return laws. It's mostly Ingrian Finns who have taken up this now repealled law. Ingrian Finns are basically people of Finnish ancenstry who live in St Petersburgh. That's not what I did but still interesting. I could be kicking back in my sauna. There's a law in Finland that every apartment over a certain size needs a sauna. In reality, most houses and flats have a sauna anyway. Just kick back, beat myself with some leaves, and relax. Don't have to work. It's time we bury that Calvinist idea. Let the robots do the working, redistribute the wealth, and I'll do the relaxing right there in some inbred village in northern Finland. I could do it. I could be there next month. Next week even. Who's going to stop me? It's my birthright. They have to take me. |
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