She still hasn't unmatched me. But I won't message her. That's doubly sad. Had a new experience with a takeaway today. Ordered from a chicken place. Actually, I think it's called Chicken Place. Food came at 2.00. It was okay, not great. Got three types of chicken sandwiches and an order of peri peri fries, onion rings, and mozarella sticks. The peri peri fries were good, mozarella sticks not so good, and onion rings are onion rings. The chicken sandwiches were not very good. I'll go with the wraps next time. I've got them before and they're alright. Then I get a call at 6.30. "Can you answer the door? It's your delivery." "What? Who is this? Chicken Place? I already got the food like four hours ago." He was dumbfounded and apologised. It must be crazy disorganised. This is the same place that claims not to have received a previous order so Hungry House gave me a £10 voucher. I never used it because it required using a debit card. They also once took like three hours to arrive. I think it's owned, managed, and staffed entirely by members of the Religion of Peace. The food isn't anything amazing and it's not even that cheap. For £18, I got everything that I described plus a small thing of baked beans. That's like £7 a meal. I got like three meals. I gave them £20 and told them to keep the change. £7/meal isn't crazy but it's not exactly Muslim immigrant chicken place prices. There was a place in London that I used to go to that I enjoyed. What was it...Chick 'N' Box. That's it. I used to go regularly after work but stopped because it started to get a little ethnic. I really enjoyed their house speciality: man...what was it...the kebab burger? Something. It was the house special but you couldn't order it on Fridays because Allah gets angry. It was the funniest shit I've ever seen. There's posters all over the restaurant singing the praises of the kebab burger but it's only available on certain days. Speaking of things getting a little ethnic, it makes me appreciate Glasgow. You want to know how many times I had to deal with rude people in restaurants cutting in front of me or violent confrontations at train stations since coming to Glagsow? NOT ONCE! The reason: black people comprise 2.4% of the population. It's great. What's Edinburgh? 1.4%. Holy crap. It must be a utopia. It's just the reality. These are violent people of low intellect who lack empathy. I see it in my lady friend. She's not violent but not a bright woman and very often says things which are hurtful, not intentionally but simply because she lacks empathy. You try to raise the subject of black people being the worst people in the world and she doesn't buy it for one second. "Most of the violent crime is committed by black people". "It's white people making the statistics." That just seems insane to me but people don't like looking at unpleasant facts. Then there's the high incidence of single mothers, fathers having many children with many different women, degenerate popular culture, and show me a country in Africa that isn't ruled by a strongman. Every US city that became majority black devolved into a violent toilet. Detroit, the black parts of Chicago, Baltimore, et cetera. And at the fag-end of the procession was a long double file of the proudest, happiest scoundrels I saw yesterday_#####s. Or perhaps I should say "them damned ######s," which is the other name they go by now. They did all it was in their power to do, poor devils, to modify the prominence of the contrast between black and white faces which seems so hateful to their white fellow-creatures, by putting their lightest colored darkies in the front rank, then glooming down by some unaggravating and nicely graduated shades of darkness to the fell and dismal blackness of undefiled and unalloyed ######dom in the remote extremity of the procession. It was a fine stroke of strategy--the day was dusty and no man could tell where the white folks left off and the ######s began. The "damned naygurs"--this is another descriptive title which has been conferred upon them by a class of our fellow-citizens who persist, in the most short-sighted manner, in being on bad terms with them in the face of the fact that they have got to sing with them in heaven or scorch with them in hell some day in the most familiar and sociable way, and on a footing of most perfect equality. -- Mark Twain All we had to do was pick our own cotton. It's the white capitalists' unquenching thirst for cheap labour that brought this upon us. |
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