I've been playing all day, every day since the game came out four days ago. Made 10 edit wrestlers so far. The cool thing is that you can share them on Steam. I'm just copying the wrestlers from previous Fire Pro games. A lot of people are doing that. I can truly say that I was the first person to do this, though. This was like 15 years ago. I even made a site. http://www.angelfire.com/rings/fpcomplete/ Fire Pro Wrestling Complete, I called it. I was adding everyone into Fire Pro Wrestling D. But as the site mentions, I had to put it on hiatus because I was moving to Ireland soon. So yeah, you can share the wrestlers that you make and it shows how many people downloaded them and they sometimes leave comments and "favourite" your wrestler and whatever. It's cool. For £15...you can't go wrong. I paid over £100 easy to play Fire Pro Wrestling D. Same with Fire Pro Wrestling Returns. I mean, I bought the whole console, the game itself, and bootdisks just to play one game. And I was paying import prices for these games because they were only released in Japan. Now you can do it for £15. And the game is in English (or Japanese, you can switch on the fly). What a time to be alive. So I was making this character called the Sheik. Not the Iron Sheik, this is the original Sheik. He was Sabu's uncle. I never heard of him before Fire Pro but apparently he wrestled in Detroit back in the territory days. He was in Fire Pro Wrestling 2 for the GBA. This character has a taunt where he does like a prayer to Mecca. He kneels down, raises his arms, and bows down a couple of times. If you watch any of the rare footage of the actual Sheik, he does this move before every match. He's supposed to be Muslim. A sheik. He wears a head dress. In real life, the Sheik was an American of Middle Eastern descent. Fire Pro Wrestling 2 was released in July 2002. The game was released in America in English. Nobody had a problem with this taunt. The September 11 attacks were in 2001. Apparently, fear of Mohammadans is at such a high level now that even a niche game like Fire Pro, the previous game (Fire Pro Wrestling Returns) selling a mere 90,000 copies world-wide, that these Japanese developers felt the need to remove the "Arabian prayer" taunt from the game. The "Christian prayer" taunt is still in the game. The "Buddhist prayer" taunt is still in the game. But forget about the "Arabian prayer" taunt. They didn't even call it "Muslim prayer" in the GBA game, perhaps as an early concession to the Religion of Peace. So now I had to make the Sheik Christian. He does the "Christian prayer" taunt. How ridiculous is this? Which brings me to an interesting case I had recently. Well, "interesting" is too strong a word. But a case that I had recently. It was a Mohammadan wanting custody of his child with a caucasian prostitute. Not even a joke. She was a prostitute. Accepted sex for money. Had five children with five different men. So this scumbag Mohammadan's sister is giving evidence. She's talking about all the stuff that she does with the child to show that he'd be happy with them. She mentions going to a Muslim festival. The festival is only for women and children. So the judge says, "Is there a particular reason that this festival is only for women and children?" And she says, "Well, there's nothing there that men would be interested in. They sell clothes and toys and have stuff for the kids to do." She was so indoctrinated in the inherent sexism of the Religion of Peace that she didn't understand the deeper question being asked. They could very easily have vendors there selling automobile rims, and technological gadgets, and ties, and whatever. So why aren't these vendors there? Why isn't this a festival that both men and women can attend? The answer is because it's a Muslim festival and Muslims don't do that. But she couldn't figure this out. She was so far gone that this was just normal to her. This is a woman who was born and raised in Scotland. Should I take a quick nap or work on my wrestling bear edit from Fire Pro Wrestling 2 some more? Maybe rest my eyes for a bit. They're strained from so much Fire Pro. Don't have to sleep, but just relax for a bit. Then finish that bear. |
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