It finally happened. A log so huge I couldn't flush it. That sudden feeling of panic. How am I going to get this thing down? What am I going to use to chop up the poop? It has to be something disposable. Should I just use the end of the toilet brush? But then I'll have to buy a new brush. Fortuantely, two flushes later, it went down on its own. I used the "hold the lever down trick" which I don't think even works on UK toilets. But in the US, if you hold the lever down, more water comes out. I don't know what it is but UK toilets are so much better than US toilets at least as far as clogging is concerned. I must have clogged toilets in the US 100 times. That's probably about right. Usually with toilet paper, as a kid, so there's that. That's just learning how much toilet paper a toilet can handle. But I've also clogged many a toilet in the US with just regular faeces. I'm not talking about the "low flow" toilets that started coming out in the 1990s. I'm talking about the old school five gallon toilets. In the UK, I haven't clogged a toilet once. Today was perhaps the closest I've come but it flushed so doesn't count as a clog. Every bathroom in the US has a plunger next to the toilet. It's because clogged toilets are a regular feature of life in the United States. Toilet plungers in the UK are effectively limited to tradesmen. There's no home consumer market for plungers. It's a fascinating phenomena. At least I think so. What are toilet manufacturers doing in the UK that they aren't doing in the US? The toilets are smaller in the UK. They seem to use less water. But no clogs. Ooh. I found an amazing answer to this. Some guy on Quora (UAE's answer to Yahoo Answers) has a plumber who says: ncidentally, I've had a lot more problems with blocked American toilets than British toilets. I think this is about the design or size of the pipes below the toilet though. Yeah. I can believe that. Why aren't they fixing that issue in the US, though? I mean, when you go to the US, you expect the best of everything. I know it's not true. The US is behind the UK in many respects. Healthcare, of course. Equality. Fast food restaruant cleanliness. Public transportation. Internet speed. Education. Police corruption. Homelessness. But can't they at least get toilets right? That should be the number one priority. Get rid of these clog-prone toilets. Think of the politician who would promise an end to clogged toilets. That guy would be swept into office no matter who it was. And it can be done. The inbreds in the UK have done it. How much easier should it be for the US? |
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