Harry Anderson
I think the French won when we joined the Common Market and they got the E on the end of Concord.
Seriously tho.
The point I made quite badly is,whether or not the public is made aware, it is big business who have the clout to see this through,it is their money that will win out at the end of the day. Making the public aware is OK but it will have no effect unless they were to become organized,something we Brits are world renowned for not doing as opposed to the French who seem to be able to blockade ports at the drop of an hat.
If there were an E petition? I doubt very much if it would receive more than a few signs from Joe Public.
I do have the Right to Repair article next to my VOSA stuff as well as the proposed 4.2.2 thing with additional laminated copies on the magazine table but very few people read them or comment on them.
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