Peter Warman
CarWeb and AutoVista are the same product (same data) only difference is that they have difference interfaces and colours
Any errors found on AutoVisa would be passed onto CarWeb for correction
All the data on both was originally Vivid Workshop Data, Haynes bought Vivid a few years ago and renamed it Haynes Pro
The odd thing about it all, despite Hayes being one of our British icons with the Manuals etc they will not let us in the UK buy Haynes Pro, but you can buy it everywhere else in the world!!
What Haynes have done is to let CarWeb have the data and produce it as e3Technical and AutoVista, so yes they are the same product
Is AutoVista being phased out, I will ask Rob Head tomorrow
CarWeb are the experts in VRM lookup, they clean up the data for DVLA, it's then sold to any company that needs VRM on their websites
Message Thread | This response ↓ Autovista changing to Carweb # - Graham Bullock May 21, 2015, 7:03 pm
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