I hope you all had a better Friday than I had.We had a break-in in the wee small hours of Friday morning as did our neighbour, an agricultural engineer.
The toerags wrecked the door locks, my SnapOn tool box and took off with all my decent spanners and sockets.
Total loss probably only £500 plus damage to the tool box, doors etc.
I do not feel inclined to make an insurance claim because my excess is £500 and what happens to next year's premium?
So we spent a delightful day waiting for the police to turn up - which they now say they will do on Saturday morning, although the forensic people did show after midday. Then we had to repair all the doors etc.
We have also fitted an alarm, although I doubt that would have deterred them.
My neighbour lost something like £6000 worth so I guess we were more fortunate, and they didn't damage anything else just for the sake of it.