I think that your last post might be a little unfair. (only a little mind! ) I understand why you like to make folk work for the answer though.
I think the guy is asking if there is an acceptable amount of trim correction & does his trim value stand out as a problem?
Fuel trims are similar to Trims that a pilot might make on an aircraft to keep it steady in flight. If a 747 has a load of fatties sat at the rear, then the pilot will need to "trim down". If the Oinkers were sat at the front he would then "trim up". I am sure that even a perfectly laden 747 on a perfect flying day, there would be some degree of trim correction required.
What should we consider to be excessive? Will a 75K motor be correcting for natural wear & tare & would a 4% LTFT value be acceptable?
Good questions methinks!
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