Re: Corsa 1997 S12XZ single point injection Archived Message
Posted by Paul Howd on September 28, 2008, 9:13 am, in reply to "Re: Corsa 1997 S12XZ single point injection"
Yep, thats what I concluded while I was lying in bed thinking about it last night. The bolt was barely finger tight (It "cracked" simply on the resistance of the engine, not in gear IYSWIM)it must have (as you say) just got in the right position when I looked and drifted back later. Moral of the story; 1) your first conclusion is probabally your best one! I KNEW it was a timing problem the moment I drove it! I only started going down blind alleys when I failed to confrm that this was the case! Added to this, I am a mobile and (as is the case with awkward ones) the job was miles away. If it had been in a workshop I would have sussed it within a hour 2) If you are going to check something, check it properly! Sounds obvious, but, especially if access is awkward, its tempting to skimp. (Not helped by the problem that customers are often reluctant to accept that spending two hours confirming that the camshaft timing is actually coerrect (say) is not time "wasted" and does not mean that I have made a "Mistake" )