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Vauxhall Corsa C 1.4 Z14XE 2004 - LIMP mode, code P1120 #
Posted by Mark Robins on November 14, 2010, 4:59 pm Vehicle presented with very little throttle response M.I.L. lamp on, read the archives about losing one of the 5v reference line but this checked out OK. Scoped the two outputs voltages and their less than1 mv out so figured their OK. Live data shows the same figures near enough. If you erase the fault while engine is running car will drive OK, fault only occurs when starting and goes into LIMP mode, tested battery and it failed but still got the problem with new battery fitted. Removed APP and the resistances are way off according to Autodata specs can anyone verify these for me?
Fixed #
Posted by Mark Robins on November 16, 2010, 7:04 pm, in reply to "Vauxhall Corsa C. LIMP mode"
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