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Honda Accord 2.0 1999 - Crank for 3-5 seconds and occasionally does not fire #
Posted by Jeff Perrin on February 7, 2012, 3:04 pm This shed has a starting fault where it will not fire until it has been cranking for 3 - 5 seconds and occasionally does not fire. It has no fault codes logged. We have found that using a noid tester that the injectors do not start triggering until after 3 - 5 seconds and as soon as they do trigger the d**n car will run. We have tested the voltage supply to the injectors and it is constant battery voltage as soon as ignition is turned on, hence it is a triggering problem. As soon as you start cranking you get a signal off the cam sensor (distributor), crank position sensor and RPM sensor (all these have been scoped at the ECU). So any suggestions why it takes so long to trigger the injectors? Due to its age normally would suggest the customer lives with it, but its the occasional non firing that is the problem.
Re: 1999 Honda Accord 2.0
Posted by andyhyoung on February 7, 2012, 6:30 pm, in reply to "1999 Honda Accord 2.0"
Re: 1999 Honda Accord 2.0
Posted by Kevin Apps on February 7, 2012, 10:18 pm, in reply to "Re: 1999 Honda Accord 2.0"
Re: 1999 Honda Accord 2.0
Posted by Jeff Perrin on February 8, 2012, 3:04 pm, in reply to "Re: 1999 Honda Accord 2.0"
Re: 1999 Honda Accord 2.0
Posted by stewart pitcaithly on February 9, 2012, 11:07 am, in reply to "Re: 1999 Honda Accord 2.0"
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