"That it takes less than 50% of the votes of everyone to form a government is the point, FPTP guarantees minority rule. " Yea..(30-40%) as I've pointed out (twice now ): try reading before replying. " What you should be looking at is why people don't vote the way you want" -We already know: it's called the corporate media and its why most of us are here... "...I do but am always pointing out that the biggest voting bloc is the abstainers." Except they aren't a "voting block" because they don't vote. Governments lovem mind...the fewer punters to convince the better...and it goes out it's way to encourage them...as the envelopes that came through my letterbox this morning underline, telling me I now need photo ID to vote...because of non existent polling station fraud...so that will add some more poorer people to the "non-voting block". Did you ever look to see what happens when the mass of potential non voters are actually made to vote btw? Try Belgium or Australia. -nothing much actualy changes: you get the same coteries of shysters selling the same shit voted in. Why? Because any political debate allowed is pre-framed & advertised by the same billion/millionaire owned corporate media outfits. |