Yes, shooting and taking training at ranges and gun clubs, as various sources have said he did. Johnson seems to think the fact that he can get close to a hit with one out of four shots is somehow evidence he's had some kind of spook coaching. It isn't.
If he'd had any kind of sniper training he wouldn't use that gun and would have hit at least once, centre-mass. Trump moved for the "ear shot" but then stood still for at least a second or two. Again, a trained sniper would still be "on his shot" so would slightly adjust to the movement and fire again.
All this and the results suggest a range-trained shooter who's never shot at a person before, getting into position, taking shots at essentially the POTUS and not being able to perform, not someone trained to make a fairly trivial shot for a marksman. I bet you could find 50 people at that rally who could make that shot without the fear, threat of imminent death, etc. that would accompany the real thing. It doesn't suggest that he was put there by spooks.
The big questions seem to be around how he got into that position unchallenged and how the SS were so useless at doing their one job, not which part of the deep state trained him. amount of cajolery, and no attempts at ethical or social seduction, can eradicate from my heart a deep burning hatred for the Tory Party...So far as I am concerned they are lower than vermin.
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