Thank you Jackie, Keith-264 and Mr.t,
Firstly I am the diversity what is your strength, in the fucking flesh,
I am partly a bedouin from the eastern delta and mummy was from a family of east end gangsters, my greatgrandfather was union man, stevedores, so they never worked again and took to crime, i loved them.
I am old, I was born in the far east during an anti-colonial revolt and then grew up till my teens in an African war, the Biafran, and then was dumped into 1970's south lonndon.
It was a violent racist kind of revolutionary place I had an absolute ball, I am big people don't bother me usually, and i fell in with the Jamaicans but because of Arab connections I got a job with an organ of the LIbyan gov
The reason i agreed to work with them was because Libya was the most democratic country ever to have existed, those policies which you may recall, married couple get free flat and 50k usd all those were proposed by representative committees made up largely of women, the grandmothers,
I have never seen a situation like the one we are facing now, the covid crisis allowed the govt to deploy what were war powers, whatever ones view of the coverage and illness, the old welshman died can not spell his name, always a bit melancholy for what happened to him
i live in a remote house in Eire and they had checkpoints even out here, staffed by charming young ban gardai, where i had to explain what i was doing
this current crisis is going to escalate this is a war between the Africans, Arabs, Iranians et al versus the collective west, but Russia and China are going to get involved they will not allow Iran to be destroyed and Iran anyway is formidable we not in 2003
America and Europe and Zionism are going to be expelled from the Arab world and oh well blood a gonna run
Muamar Ghadaffi once said "this will be a heroic age for the Arabs" which is kind of like the chinese curse but we the west are long overdue a reckoning
and even though i am a professional in two religions with a commendation from the Rastas i ready to see the shithouse that the west has turned this world into burn down
i have yabby you "run come rally" on the system and plenty of version which i am going to play
i talk a lot of nonsense but i am very grateful for the friendliness that you have shown towards me and i will dedicate the merit of your kindness,
may all beings find happiness in the inconceivable vastness and luminosity of their very own minds
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