Further, and rather simplistically, you claim peaceful protest 'the Bread Marches' led to significant change. Forgive me, but Volines account of the Bread Marches is far from peaceful, rather, the threat of violence was real and violence did indeed happen according to his account, although, said violence was with the forces of the state (as with the Poll Tax) rather than the crowd, namely, the Police were set upon by the Cossacks after inciting violence.
That said, the economic conditions were such that insurrection, be it peaceful or violent, was the reality of the day across Russia - as it was within Germany following the long Naval Blockade.
So, and, being the Marxist one is, peeps can march as much as they like across the West, the fact is, as Violence is still very much retained by the State, not much change will come about I'm afraid. Mind you, you may, just may see some crumbs thrown to the plebs 12 months before the next UK election as spineless Labour MPs ponder being on the dole - I'll not hold my breath though as the history of the West has been zero change since the 1980's.
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