Early last Saturday local time in the Levant, Zionist forces launched what was supposed to be a massive attack on Iranian military targets via Iraqi airspace, which indicates assistance by the Outlaw US Empire, but was aborted before Zionist jest reached Iranian airspace. It appears the strategy was to first use SEAD (Suppress Enemy Air Defense) tactics so Iranian airspace could be entered making the missile strikes far more effective than launching the at maximum range. The Zionist’s US-made missiles use GPS as guidance until the terminal portion of their flight when they switch to radar or other flight control means. Iran has its own EW systems that were bolstered by Russian systems that negate GPS use as shown demonstratively in Ukraine, and they had an effect but that wasn’t the reason for the abortion of the mission. In his chat today with Judge Napolitano, Alastair Crooke cited Zionist sources saying their F-35 stealth jets were locked onto by AD targeting radar while over Iraqi airspace, thus confirming what was speculated but not known—Russia or even Iran has AD systems that can see F-35s, thus they aren’t at all stealthy. Several weeks ago, I linked to an Iranian news article saying Iran could detect the F-35’s “radar signature” thus making it visible. The entire idea of stealth in the minds of Western militaries is the ability of the aircraft to penetrate the AD zone and attack the AD systems before the stealth craft is detected—shooting first is absolutely paramount for survival in such an environment. Having been detected and not wishing to challenge the Iranian AD system, the Zionist jets loosed their missile far away from their targets and were easily intercepted or fell to the ground via EW suppression. A few targets in far western Iran were hit and a few Iranians died but nothing comparable to the propaganda produced for Zionist and Western public consumption. Indeed, imagery from inside the Zionist War Room showed very glum facial features on Netanyahu and Gallant’s faces as well as others as opposed to what ought to have been ecstatic faces with broadly beaming grins. (The images I refer to are out there, but I can’t seem to find them despite have seen them.) And then we have the Zionist press all ga-ga over the great success then downgraded to an attack with very limited success as Crooke described to Napolitano. Crooke’s most recently published essay was clearly written well before last Saturday and was only published yesterday, “A stunning de-capitation? The Netanyahu “madness,” but still provides useful analysis. It opens by citing Gallant’s depiction of the still to come Zionist attack on Iran: A major war between Israel and Iran is soon likely to erupt – so says Israel’s Defence Minister Gallant. It will be initiated when Israel launches its long mooted strike on Iran. Gallant has promised that Israel’s strike on Iran will be “lethal, precise and especially surprising”, adding that Iran “won’t understand what happened to it, or how”. [Emphasis Original] Compared with the above rhetoric, the attack was a massive—and very expensive —failure. The main selling point for the F-35 was its supposed stealth qualities. Now that' it’s been shown those qualities don’t exist, expect further F-35 sales to plummet as there’s no longer any justification for the expense or massive amounts of maintenance required. It simply doesn’t work against anyone allied with Russia. And so the revolution in warfare Andrei Martyanov’s been preaching for two decades has clearly arrived. And that leaves us with an important question: Will the Zionists employ their nukes since they have no other weapon capable of damaging Iran—a existential goal for Netanyahu and Neocons for decades? And since the Zionists can’t get close enough to use gravity bombs, they will need to use their Jerrico ICBM. Iran currently appears very confidant—it can attack Occupied Palestine at will and defend against the sort of just attempted Zionist air attack. Iran publicly promised to retaliate if the Zionists did something like last Saturday, and it will be politically difficult for the new Iranian government that’s already blundered its attempts at appeasing the Outlaw US Empire and the Zionists to back away from that vow. IMO, both Russia and China will lobby for exactly that—backing off in light of what was clearly a victory. I wrote elsewhere that Iran might limit itself to sending some hypersonics to some critical Zionist infrastructure, primarily its remaining port installations. I’m certain a great deal of backchannel talk is happening over this very issue. Iran’s PressTV reported these two government responses: Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian said on Sunday that Iran is not looking for war but will give an "appropriate response" to Israel's latest act of aggression. Iranian Parliament Speaker Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf has also stated that the Islamic Republic’s response to the act of aggression will be “definite and calculated.” Again, it will be hard not to respond given those statements. Perhaps the most important point in that report was made by IRGC Commander General Salami: “The illegitimate and illegal action of the child-killing Zionist regime, which failed to achieve its ominous goals because of the readiness of the country's air defense, shows miscalculation and frustration of this regime on the battlefield” against resistance fighters in Gaza and Lebanon, Salami said. He further warned that the attack will have “bitter, unimaginable consequences” for the Israeli regime. [My Emphasis] Yes, the Zionists are losing on every front despite having murdered so many. Hamas acts like a Pheonix returning to areas Zionists had declared clear to destroy equipment and kill soldiers. On the Northern front against Hezbollah, the Zionists continue to lose soldiers and equipment plus more settlers are being driven to the South as they don’t want to be used as human shields by their military. What’s more is Hezbollah publicly warned settlers their urban areas would come under attack for that very reason. As I said a year ago, the Zionists have no strategic depth with which to withstand a determined siege. Yes, the child killers will continue to slaughter, but such methods only serve to empower the Resistance and prove to the Global Majority they don’t belong in the Human Polity-and that stench is being smeared onto the few nations still abetting the Zionists. As one pundit said, the “Zionists are making WW2’s Nazis look good.” Unfortunately, those Jews who politically opposed Netanyahu and his genocidal party, a million or more—have fled Occupied Palestine leaving the hardcore genocidalists even more in charge than they were before. What that means is Netanyahu has an even stronger mandate to continue his Genocide policy despite losing on the battlefield. Nothing’s working for them, so we must anticipate desperation is beginning to appear in their minds. One additional factor is that much of this conflict is being waged inside Occupied Palestine. Yes, Gaza’s been razed but many Zionist areas are no longer habitable. How many hardcore will remain come Spring with no jobs and little money remaining? The myth of Zionist invincibility on the battlefield is shattered; how many in the Army will see the futility and quit. Will it finally become possible to begin an honest dialog with Hamas and the Palestinians at large to end the Zionist Project, or will be again see a doubling-down by the Zionists and Neocons regardless who becomes POTUS? |