"In his chat today with Judge Napolitano, Alastair Crooke cited Zionist sources saying their F-35 stealth jets were locked onto by AD targeting radar while over Iraqi airspace, thus confirming what was speculated but not known—Russia or even Iran has AD systems that can see F-35s... Having been detected and not wishing to challenge the Iranian AD system, the Zionist jets loosed their missile far away from their targets and were easily intercepted or fell to the ground via EW suppression. -This fits with the reports coming in at the time: "American officials announce that they received an update from Israel that the attacks in Iran will last 12 hours." ...An then they didn't. Followed later by reports of of an "unknown weapons system" locking on them. I think it's become clear that Israel did indeed abort the intended mission at the first wave. -We might have missed the beginning of WW3 by a whisker.. |