My old post from August:
Stewart is right up there with the worst the tories ever offered, but with the help of the media, he is one of those who has managed a complete character rehabilitation along with a silence about what he really stands for.
Anyone in any doubt should take a look at his voting record while in Parliament and ditch any of the romantic notions about sleeping under hedges and walking, Dick Wittington style, to Penrith.
Lest we forget the real Rory Stewart, a supporter of US controlled Trident nuclear missiles on British soil, well, he never met a war he didn't like or vote for, from bombing Afghanistan and Syria, to the hypocritical no-fly zone in Libya and of course, the decimation of Iraq, where he played his part in the Coalition Provisional Authority who oversaw their corrupt puppet regime after the illegal invasion.
Maybe as damning as anything however, is that he is now best buddies with that war criminal Alastair Campbell, yes, he of the infamous "dodgy dossier" and whose lies led to over a million dead Iraqis at the time and god knows how many since.
"Ye shall know them by their friends"!
Then there is Stewart's outspoken criticism of Corbyn as he often referred to the "horrifying Jew-hate in Corbyn’s Labour". That's just a lie as anyone who has paid the slightest attention to that debacle knows only too well.
Goes without saying he is a staunch supporter of the genocidal, squatter state of Israel and all that "right to exist and defend itself" hasbara bollox.
A couple of other highlights from his parliamentary career:
Voted against the promotion of Human Rights and Equality.
Votes that helped further the privatisation of the NHS and other industries.
Voted to restrict legal aid.
Voted against restrictions on the blood sucking gambling industry.
Voted for tuition fees.
Voted for reduction of corporation tax.
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