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    Re: Easy targets, especilly that Peterson clown Archived Message

    Posted by turtleman on April 23, 2019, 1:19 am, in reply to "Re: Easy targets, especilly that Peterson clown"

    "Where are all these 'communist subversives'?"

    Everywhere. It's called the Diversity Agenda. Those who push it, and those who fall for it, are not necessarily conscious of what it all really stands for or from whence it originates.

    "Avowed Marxists seem as rare to me as the proverbial hen's teeth."

    The author of this video is. Richard D. Wolff is. Many university professors identify as one. But besides all that, the culture is saturated with notions and ideologies born out of Critical Theory which is neo-Marxism. So most people who obey or acquiesce with its dictates are not self-identifying Marxists or even aware of where these ideas come from.

    "Why is it you get so caught up in this whole belief system of labels and supposed provenances of the things you feel obligated to dislike?"

    Ha! Au contraire, it is the neo-Marxists who are obsessed with labeling anybody who disagrees with the Diversity and Equity agenda. Bastani labels himself as a Marxist, and lumps together all critics of Cultural Marxism as far right or Alt-Right! He even denies Cultural Marxism exists, and the people on this thread believe him! Critical Theory IS goddamned neo-Marxism, or Cultural Marxism. Its open aim IS to subvert the dominant culture. Its targets are purely hallucinatory monsters from their relativist madness: Patriarchy, heteronormativity, microaggression, etc., and those things in nature that offends them become, conveniently, mere social constructs that deserve desecration and destruction. People who claim to have not noticed any of this either have their heads deep in the sand or far up their own bowels.

    Yes life is messy. No, it is not all Marx's fault and no, the Frankfurt Critical Theorists did not single-handedly subvert Western Culture. But circumstances, conditions, and timing all came together to give Critical Theory its tremendous success. It provided the perfect intellectual home for unhinged radicals and all the disillusioned, mentally damaged ideologues of the post war period.

    Life is messy, but not so messy as to have no answers or to obliterate moral truth. Another trick of the postmodernists: they sell the idea that life IS so messy as to render truth and morality not merely impossible to discern, but NON EXISTENT altogether except as relativist interpretations when it suits them. They also have a habit of proclaiming ABSOLUTE TRUTHS, such as Gender IS a social construct, or there IS no absolute truth, and lots of other gems of contradiction.


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