Re: What exactly is the Green New Deal? Archived Message
Posted by Ken Waldron on April 24, 2019, 10:52 pm, in reply to "Re: What exactly is the Green New Deal?"
the Green New Deal hasn't risen fresh out of a vacuum, so I am just curious as to what's the thinking behind it , who drives it and who steers it... Yes. Its always worth paying attention to these things: take Labour group "Momentum" which lots joined under the idea that it was grass roots leftism, only to find it democratically fiddled & controlled by Jon Lansman & chums.( ) The unusually fully formed birth of "Extinction Rebellion": with logo, publications and all to someone of my kind of suspicious mind is somewhat reminiscent of the fully formed birth likewise flags-a-waving of the Polish "grass roots" "Solidarnosc": which turned out to be covertly funded by a slush fund of CIA money. I'm not saying of course that these organisations are all fronts and astroturfing for various hidden agendas, but its a good thing to be prudent about what you lend support to.