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    My two-pennorth Archived Message

    Posted by Gerard on April 29, 2019, 9:38 am, in reply to "Re: Thanks Rhis. 24 hours and no comments, yet though "

    I tend to agree with 123..I'm sure that some of my posts (and their purpose), have been misunderstood over the years...I post here within strict (self-imposed -to an extent-), limits now...I also tend to dis-agree that there are other forums out there which cogently address the issue of msm bias, obfuscation and redaction (, after all this place started as a board for those who follow the work of medialens which is the most coherent site to concern itself with such things...personally I regret the fact that some subjects are considered "beyond-the-Pale" but now consider this a sign-of-the-times and try to work around the proclivities of the board and its administrator..I like dan and many (if not all), of you guys but feel that it would be remiss of me not to make some comment..both wv and Twirlip are inoffensive individuals in my experience..dan says; "you've got to be kind" and I agree...I would, however, ask him to remember that homogeneity is something that the ruling elites would like to force upon us and also point out that our world is a variegated-cloth and that we should draw strength from this and not make conformity a prerequisite of comment...there are not a myriad of such forums and many like myself find little other opportunity to express their views in such well read and knowledgeable company..communication is the very essence of change and denying people the right to converse/correspond is a very serious my mind this is too much responsibility for one person and I would welcome the opportunity to make the board a more democratic place..I am currently, however, without the resources to contribute myself to any great extent although I would make strenuous efforts to contribute something should the board change its gets-the-govt.-one-deserves and I don't think we can blame dan for reflecting the predilections of the majority of, what passes for, the opposition in the pains me that certain subjects receive far too much scrutiny here and that others are not really considered worthy of the board's attention..but this is (as I have said), clearly not simply a problem of administration..

    An exemplifier of the kind of problem I am describing are the actions of the Extinction Rebellion (and many other such groups and campaigns), who seem to think that we can use the tools of oppression to fight it..the Met Police commented that the use of social media and WiFi devices made policing the X-tinction protests difficult for I am in favour of asymmetric "warfare" (using the term most advisedly), but would like to point out that one cannot make a silk-purse out of a sow's ear folks..and that I am very much afraid that such actions severely miss the point and underestimate the nature of the beast that is our foe..dan posted himself concerning Amazon's use of WiFi devices to control its employees two days ago, I feel that it is a much more "subversive" (again using the term most advisedly), not to indulge the PtBs in their delusions of grandeur by utilising the very devices which are (hugely now), the tools of our own oppression....this speaks to the notion of the urgent need for both internal and external struggle..the true followers of the prophet have a name for is called "jihad" (which has nothing to do with violence but represents instead a manifestation of Gandhi's principle of non-violence), that Islam is in-fact a religion of peace is not commonly understood..neither is the fact that both Christian and Muslim scriptures have (over the centuries), been manipulated by the state for its own purposes ..Was "The-Son-of-Man" truly the child of God? State Islam would have us believe that he was not but surely; "works as great as these you may do, and works greater than these you may do" came from the great Galileans own mouth..It was reincarnation, karma and the equality of the sexes that were most redacted by the church/state is surely no coincidence that we find the same is true of state controlled Islam..

    These are not times for half-measures and complacent liberal sanctimony folks...a desperate struggle is upon us and we must use all possible means to ensure a positive outcome..

    Let's hope we can all hear him..

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