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    More of the same BBC bias on Palestine-Israel, and a list of guidelines for reform from 2014 Archived Message

    Posted by marknadim on May 5, 2019, 3:17 pm

    Demands for Reform to BBC on Palestine-Israel reporting:
    BBC once again downplay and almost bury in their report Palestinians killed by the Israeli army, including a pregnant mother and child among others, choosing instead to frame for viewers their set one-sided narrative of 'Israeli defensive response to unwarranted Palestinian aggression'.
    This list of demands from a petition 5 years ago during the massacre of 2,000 Palestinians then, including 500 children, still stands unanswered:

    Demands to BBC on Palestine-Israel reporting:
    1) Guarantee to give accountably measured proportionally representative time to those killed on each side.

    2) Guarantee to stop repeatedly justifying Israeli attacks (eg using 'in response' / 'in defence') while consistently blaming Palestinian ones (eg 'started the current violence').

    3) Guarantee to highlight details of the contrast between the Israeli world's 4th largest modern hi tech army compared to the Palestinian militants, and not to paint this simply as 'a war' with 'two relatively equal adversaries'.

    4) Guarantee measurably equal airtime for Palestinian and Israeli reps.

    5) Guarantee to highlight the core historic and ongoing underlying issues: illegal Israeli occupation and expansion, ethnic cleansing and forced evictions, colonisation, apartheid system, trigger-happy brutality, indefinite imprisonment without charge including of children, and the starvation ration siege on Gaza.

    These are the basic blindingly obvious but sidestepped reasons for tension; and the resolution of these ignored open wounds are the only possible path to peace and justice, incumbent on politicians worldwide to strive towards, rather than herd-like support for the Western establishment-favoured dominant Israeli side, as we see among the vast majority of UK politicians, with contrary opinions daubed with ‘anti-Semite’ allegations.

    6) Guarantee to openly detail precisely all BBC links and meetings with groups like Bicom and all other Israeli lobby groups and individuals (including visits and discussions with the Israeli ambassador) with access to BBC staff (see especially chapter 5: )

    Greg Philo and Mike Berry with the Glasgow Media Group have published “Bad News from Israel’ and “More Bad News from Israel” highlighting the institutionalised bias in reporting on this subject:…/more-bad-news-from-israel/

    See how long it takes you to find “Pregnant Palestinian mother and her 14 month child killed by Israeli missile” in the latest BBC piece. It was never going to be their headline, but they've even gone so far as to remove the fact she was pregnant and make it appear she was possibly killed by Hamas:

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