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    Trump is not a true fascist (the true Scotsman fallacy?) Archived Message

    Posted by John Monro on June 11, 2019, 11:07 pm, in reply to "Trump is not a fascist, a moron, but he doesn't really have an ideology as such, a lot"

    Trump is not a fascist, but the American state has fascist overtones. Trump got to be President by accident but underlying that accident was a dysfunctional state. Trump has the emotional age of a young child, playing with a very big toy, the world's affairs. He has a serious personality disorder, sociopathy comes to mind, allied to the street cunning of the big time wheeler-dealer. He's not a moron, but his language and attitudes reveal him as a profound "unthinker" - and he's very right wing - a privileged upbringing brings the necessary thoughtlessness and arrogance. If he'd been born poor he'd probably have been in prison a few times by now. He cares not for truth, and he could be considered a perfect example of solipsism in action. Nothing truly exists for him other than what he wishes or thinks. But he is not truly a fascist, because political ideologies are of no interest to him and he knows nothing at all about them.

    The near fascism of the US is distinctly different from prior fascism in that its just the ever increasing extremism of the rightwing policies that the US has always stood for, whereas the fascists of old were violent reactions to other extremisms such as communism or anarchism and underlying profound social issues; they were proud to be fascists, and everyone knew this.(or else).

    The US state deals with opposition very effectively via a supine media and gerrymandering or whatever powers billions and billions of dollars grants it. Ultimately, the US State - the deep state, I suppose you'd call it - is powerful enough even to deal with Presidents who are nominal opponents.

    But the American near fascist state keeps very quiet about it. It hides itself all too well under the cloak of self-proclaimed democracy. Its fascist tendency are not so much inflicted at home but exported overseas, with war, sanctions, political chicanery and lot and lots of money. It advertises itself subtly, as in the "Project for the New American Century" . Trump doesn't shout "Liebensraum". nor is he capable of writing his own "Mein Kampf" It doesn't matter too much which President is in power, the US state has its own ways of doing things, its own ways of curbing opposition - if you're a nominal friend, like the UK or Sweden, it will threaten financially and economically - if you're a foe it will stir division and strife and topple governments. No soldiers generally needed. Soldiers are used when other measures fail. Their soldiers march like everyone else's soldiers but the state lies about why they're marching.

    I think we need a new description for what the US is, and what the UK and Brazil and Hungary are becoming. It's too easy to cry fascism, when really it isn't appropriate. It's on the way, it's the colour blue to fascism's ultraviolet. Some people would perhaps call it one of the many forms of corporatism or corporativism. But its something unique to the USA at present as it is such a powerful player. I can't think of a suitable single word for the moment.

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