Re: Well done that persistent man! Solidarity bro. NOM Archived Message
Posted by Gerard on July 26, 2019, 11:09 am, in reply to "Well done that persistent man! Solidarity bro. NOM "
"breath now and relax a little" "One" hopes so Ed. but there are aspects of my (very), long-term situation and chronic conditions I have not revealed either here or on my blog which might have something to say on that matter...I am not a great fan of personal revelations stories (of any kind), as I believe that what is extant is extant (after all we all live together at this point in history and on the same planet), and that such should really be only the concern of myself and my physicians, however, there may be issues which I now feel require exposure to the light that I will air with you but I warn you if I do such will not make pleasant reading..I'm a different man to the one who may have written about these things (even only a decade ago), now and feel that I have more support (of all kinds), and therefore will be more able to be cogent and to present them in a more, "grounded" way..thanks for your support, let us hope that I will not be the only one who will now feel able to talk about the more difficult subjects...subjects which nonetheless require a fuller and closer scrutiny...;"avast behind!"