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    Posted by margo on July 30, 2019, 12:38 pm, in reply to "Working link to letter "

    US letter ignores fact there were no "charges" and its 18 indictments issued from long-standing secret Grand Jury vindicate Assange's fears as well justified... ie. he was never "free to leave" .

    Copy-and-paste of a Twitter response:
    Previous Message

    "The US used Britain + UK courts as a "monkey in the middle" so that when confronted by international authorities about its persecution/torture of Assange, it could *plausibly deny* involvement. Classic man-in-the-middle dictator behavior.

    "US response also downplays the "statements" it endorsed actively and passively which attacked Assange, stoked Assange's torture, ongoing arbitrary detention etc.

    "The US has been meddling behind the scenes LEGALLY and no one is able to access the emails/documents that prove it.

    "The US has been "orchestrating, conducting, directing, consulting, advising etc." other countries on how to harass, detain, legally intimidate and chase Assange to the ends of the earth. Now it wants to deny it...

    "The US response summarizes how virtuous, fair, just and legally diligent it is and placates the @UN Rapporteur on Torture @nilsmelzer
    that of course the US does not torture, treat people inhumanely or with cruelty. It follows due process.

    "Me: But. Chelsea. Manning."

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