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    Email to Mazin Qumsiyeh who is touring the UK Archived Message

    Posted by scrabb on July 31, 2019, 1:12 pm

    Mazin is a professor of biotechnology at Bethlehem and Birzeit Universities. He has published several books and over a thousand articles. He is an indefatigable campaigner for Palestinian human rights and sends out a regular email from Palestine to over 50,000 subscribers.

    Dear Mazin -- I came to your talk in Manchester on Thursday last and enjoyed it very much. Perhaps "enjoyed" isn't quite the right word. "Inspired by" is much nearer the mark. I'm the person who asked you to comment on the anti-semitism smear campaign that is being conducted against Jeremy Corbyn. You replied that you had personally been called an anti-semite and "much worse things" and that it was par for the course.

    The point I was seeking to make, but expressed rather badly, is that the Palestinian cause and fight for human rights is very much at the centre of British politics -- far more than any other European country. The reason for this is Jeremy Corbyn's support for Palestinian rights which flies in the face of Israeli and Zionist policies and propaganda and thus produces the vehement smear campaign being orchestrated against him and the Labour party. Actually against him personally -- the minute Corbyn is deposed as leader you won't hear another squeak about anti-semitism in the Labour party.

    The second reason Corbyn is attacked by 99% of the UK corporate media is that he would introduce "dangerous" socialist policies which are a threat to the establishment and to capitalist power. So even supposedly left-leaning papers like the Guardian and the "impartial" BBC vilify him at every opportunity. You would have to be living in the UK to realise the extent of the sustained vitriolic campaign against him by all media (except the Morning Star) which happens every single day. The establishment thus have welcomed with open arms this manufactured anti-semitism crisis as another stick to beat him with. Polls and research over a long period have shown that Labour members are the LEAST anti-semitic (less than one per cent) as compared with the general population and supporters of the Tory party, both of whom score higher. But still the smear goes on, day after day.

    So the fate of Corbyn is intimately tied in with the UK's attitude and policies towards Israel and Palestine. That's the point I was trying to make at the meeting. Corbyn must be destroyed for the Isareli/Zionist and British establishment project to succeed.

    All the best for the future. Thank you for your inspiration.


    He replied:

    It is a very good point and worth more discussion.
    Stay the course-- keep hope alive

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