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    Re: Email to Mazin Qumsiyeh who is touring the UK Archived Message

    Posted by johnlilburne on July 31, 2019, 3:38 pm, in reply to "Email to Mazin Qumsiyeh who is touring the UK"

    Good e-mail, scrabb.

    The antisemitism 'bollocks' is not just about getting rid of Corbyn. It's about providing an object lesson for those of us who had the temerity to vote for and to support the whole Corbyn project.

    It is simply not allowed for anyone to oppose the Atlantic alliance/the American Empire and all its doings. That is, namely, the neoliberal globalising economic projest and its associated neocon resource wars.

    Israel is an important vassal state in a strategically vital part of the world. The US hegemon expects and demands uncritical support for Israel from all of its vassals, especially the UK.

    Israel can do what it likes. The Palestinians - if recognised as such as a people - are mere collateral damage in the ongoing globalising project.

    As far as the 'Labour' right is concerned, the end of 'Corbynism', even if it means the end of the Labour Party and the immmiseration of large sections of the British population, is a price worth paying in the service of Empire.

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