Re: They aren't deluded, it's a tactic Archived Message
Posted by AlanG on August 7, 2019, 1:12 pm, in reply to "Re: They aren't deluded, it's a tactic"
The 'tactic' is strange indeed, if indeed it is one. Whatever the reason for the apparent retreat of the Labour party from principle in the face of the screamers it may yet backfire because the arseholes are showing themselves up more and more as the rope continues to be paid out. The fact is that however the Labour party responded would result in more screaming and the same adverse publicity in the media because, of course, its not actually about anti-semitism its about getting rid of Corbyn and promoting the interests of Israel. So far (incredibly) it hasn't worked so who's to say the 'tactic' is wrong? If it is a planned tactic its a bloody daring one though. What is a planned tactic is the Zionist/elite one of holding all Jews hostage.