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    Re: Appeasement because overt resistance will damage Corbyn's chances more Archived Message

    Posted by spike on August 8, 2019, 1:45 am, in reply to "Appeasement because overt resistance will damage Corbyn's chances more"

    'The public respond to the fake antisemitism propaganda with a yawn so why not keep fudging the issue until a fake GE makes it irrelevant?'

    I would agree that's the general tactic but I don't think it's cynical on Corbyns part. Remember several smears were tried before they settled on AS as the primary weapon and I think his natural instinct to be reasonable is what the AS smears attack. The man has been a life long campaigner against rascism, anti semitism etc and is the kind of man who believes that if only people talked to each other, they can solve their problems. While this does him credit, it's this sentimental weakness that is being attacked, hence the endless concessions from Corbyn. Imagine you're him, on the right side of history for most of your political life and then you have the media, your erstwhile colleagues and Jewish people themselves calling you what you know you're not. You can either tell them all to #### off (the right response) or try and prove you're not what they say you are (the wrong response). He chose the latter because, temperamentally, that's the way his mind works. Obviously it's really not about Corbyn anyway, it's what he represents that is the threat to the vested interests.

    It's a real shame because if, having become leader he'd been a bit more like George Galloway, he'd have either crushed his enemies or at least gone down in flames. As it is he's weakened his own position repeatedly. If there's a general election and he's still leader I'll vote for him but it's very hard to see him taking an (for example) anti-Israeli stance the next time they decide to blow up Gaza and if he can't do that, what's the point?

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