more thoughts on corbyn's stupid appeasement effortsArchived Message
Posted by rippon on August 8, 2019, 12:27 pm
There's a point where 'sticking to your principles' becomes narcissism.
Corbyn's 'principle' is to negotiate with anyone, not confront them.
But confronting Zionists is unavoidable and necessary if you care (or profess to care - as Corbyn does) about the Palestinians.
So it does indeed look like narcissism when you prioritise your own self-image ('eminently reasonable negotiator') - and the way he wears his politeness on his sleeve is frankly quite nauseating - over cognizance of the ugly realities of the world.
He apparently cares more about his own reputation for politeness than fighting for the Palestinians, because he doesn't want a reputation like Galloway's - rude, ugly, aggressive.
But there's nothing uglier than the cowardice of appeasing (attempting to appease) fascists and thereby exacerbating the fate of their victims.
I hope I'm wrong. The 'antisemitism' thing does sometimes seem as though it is flogging itself to death and making everyone yawn (like Brexit). So maybe the 'tactic' is working - quote marks because I don't believe Corbyn is clever enough to use appeasement as a tactic. It might just be working out that way by default.