Re: more thoughts on corbyn's stupid appeasement efforts Archived Message
Posted by margo on August 8, 2019, 5:54 pm, in reply to "more thoughts on corbyn's stupid appeasement efforts"
There's a point where 'sticking to your principles' becomes narcissism. By this token, someone like Nelson Mandela must have been an out-and-out narcissist Corbyn's 'principle' is to negotiate with anyone, not confront them. Corbyn is probably doing the only thing a public office leader (looking for votes) can do on public platforms, where every word and move is scrutinised, judged. He has to engage, negotiate with everyone - in terms of 'appeal' he probably can't afford to 'confront' too often. He has to pick and choose his battles, as well as timing and context. Damned when he does and if he doesn't. Perhaps he's gauged the 'safest' communication style, in an amazingly aggressive, toxic landscape?