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    Goodman goes full Maddow Archived Message

    Posted by brooks on August 27, 2019, 6:47 pm

    Amy Goodman is becoming a little more like Mad Rachel Maddow every day, and not only in the increasingly establisment-friendly liberalism of her program. Jimmy Dore had pointed out that in one of Maddow's unhinged rants relating to the Mueller report, her fact-free assertions that Barr did the redactions on his own - the implication being that they were all suspect, and there must be crucial facts about collusion with Russia that were being hidden from the American people - were contradicted by the news crawl at the bottom of the screen, i.e. by the newswriters at her own network, while she was making them. Something similar happened with Goodman yesterday in her introduction to an interview with nuclear expert Kate Brown on Chernobyl:

    Goodman: Russia’s handling of the nuclear accident has drawn some comparisons to the Soviet Union’s cover-up of the far more severe 1986 disaster at the nuclear plant in Chernobyl, which is considered the worst nuclear accident in history. It sent a cloud of radioactive fallout into Russia, Belarus and over a large portion of Europe. Fifty thousand people living in Chernobyl’s immediate surroundings had to be evacuated, and a vast rural region became uninhabitable. The death toll from Chernobyl remains unknown. Estimates range from under 100 to up to 4,000.

    In fact, estimates actually range from 100 to close to one million deaths, the latter being far more credible accounts.

    Her guest's own estimates of mortality in the interview, while probably much too low, are vastly higher than the ones given in Goodman's introduction.

    So the question arises, not only why she gives stats that contradict those of DN's own chosen expert, but why an increasingly mainstream network that has thrown itself into the new cold war with such gleeful abandon and aggressively pushed the Russigate farce, simultaneously feels compelled to downplay the catastrophic impact of a Russian/Soviet industrial accident, the kind of thing the Russophobic western liberals would normally amplify and exaggerate. The answer has to be the same one to the question of why the horrific human toll from Chernobyl has been whitewashed all along in the west: the power and influence of the nuclear industry. Pathetic, but no longer surprising coming from DN.

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