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    Clear tool by the time of Libya, 2011.. Archived Message

    Posted by Shyaku on August 28, 2019, 11:14 pm, in reply to "Goodman goes full Maddow"

    Since then at least, I'm not sure why people seem to think she is alternative media. She is probably non-corporate in the big sense, but the show still runs as a business:

    "Democracy Now! is a 501(c)3 non-profit news organization. We do not accept funding from advertising, underwriting or government agencies. We rely on contributions from our viewers and listeners to do our work.."

    And her audience is mainstream:

    "Democracy Now! is broadcast daily across the United States and Canada as well as in countries around the world. Our program is on Pacifica, NPR, community, college and satellite radio stations; on PBS, public, community and satellite TV"

    - They look for syndication wherever it can get it:

    "Democracy Now! launched in 1996, airing on nine radio stations. More than two decades later, we have grown to be one of the leading U.S.-based independent daily news broadcasts in the world."

    ll right there on their website.

    In fact, they are syndicated on 1,400 radio and TV stations worldwide!!!#Syndication

    - Non-profit doesn't mean non-business. It they wanted to run as a non-business they would cut costs to near zero by moving out of their 8,500 sq ft studio in NYC and eliminating salaries, which would probably be perfectly possible. People like James Corbett seem to manage it. But having costs, makes them vulnerable to money that 'seeps int' via the "more generous donors". Sure, they don't have advertizing, or govt or coorporate support, but do they have a maximum contribution limit? Ha! Don't make me laugh:

    and do they publish their budget? Well, they are a registered charity with an 11 million dollar budget;

    This probably speaks to a lot of the difference between "independent" and "alternative".

    - Shyaku

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