I am sorry that you are having to live with this uncertainty about your safety.
British Waterways, a state owned organisation, was farmed out to the so called Canal & River Trust, in 2012. Yet another 'charidee' is consumed into the Third Sector. Scotland have shown more sense and have retained Scottish Canals as a public corporation. Note the method of selection of the trustees, board and so on and the lack of accountability.
'The trust is headed by a board of 10 appointed and unelected trustees with a chairman, which is supposed to ensure that the charity meets its objectives[citation needed] and sets strategy for the trust. The trust has a 35-member council which referees the business of the trust and whose construction is supposed to ensure that all waterways users, in all areas, have a representative voice. Many waterways users and stakeholders feel that the member council is little more than a token gesture to give the impression of accountability.[citation needed] Finally, an unelected management board of seven directors is collectively concerned with the ordinary running of the trust. '
But heh! The P of Wales is Patron so all's well and he will be on hand to help with the mopping up if the need arises.