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    Re: bMoA concludes: Chinese mil-parade confirms that US has now lost it's - supposed - military supremac Archived Message

    Posted by Tomski on October 2, 2019, 10:12 am, in reply to "bMoA concludes: Chinese mil-parade confirms that US has now lost it's - supposed - military supremac"

    I worked with Chinese engineers many years ago (after Deng came to power) and was appalled by their lack of basic knowledge. A couple of generations down the line their achievements are clearly spectacular. This seems to also apply to military tech.

    Reading MoA comments section is always rewarding. This one relates:

    Readers should try to keep in mind that this is just the beginning of China's move into high technology. China's state driven tech R&D is organized around a kind of spiral development in which they always have three iterations of every technology being worked on at any time in a staggered fashion so that when one iteration is nearing ready to go into production and the teams involved in it ready to transition to new projects, another iteration has been in development for a couple years already and a third has been in development about twice as long and is a couple years from delivery.

    China's technological development pipelines always have these three iterations. Whenever they unveil a new weapon system, for instance, they already have its replacement, as well as that replacement's replacement, in the works.

    What is a more important issue is that the big delays in Chinese tech advancement up until the last few years have involved building out domestic supply chains, modernizing tooling, and training up an advanced workforce. That is all done now and today China's domestic process control and engineering are best in class... and they have a lot of those engineers!

    Be prepared to be stunned again when China's 75th Anniversary is celebrated with a parade in 2024. By then America will still be trying to get the F-35 to fly reliably, and the Gerald Ford aircraft carrier's Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS) catapults might possibly be made to actually work, but China will have a whole new generation of weapons systems to show off, and what you are seeing now will be the old stuff.

    The pace of progress in China on pretty much any front that you can imagine is beyond belief, so I patronizingly forgive those who have not seen it up close and personal and thus cannot accept it. Still, being in denial of that progress does neither America nor the rest of the West any favors, so the inevitable posts here claiming that b is cheer leading for the Chinese will make no sense.

    Posted by: William Gruff | Oct 1 2019 20:04 utc | 15

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