Thanks for posting. There's a great link in the article. If anyone's got a spare 3 hours, Archived Message
Posted by Laurie on October 2, 2019, 2:06 pm, in reply to "bMoA concludes: Chinese mil-parade confirms that US has now lost it's - supposed - military supremac"
I recommend watching it – China celebrating 70 years since liberation.
The military part of the parade has obviously been emphasised. But most of the procession consists of civilians – youth, workers, farmers, sportsmen/women etc. All I can see is – JOY, a people really proud of their achievements. The bus top test. People can analyse political systems as much as they want, but one way to get an idea as to whether a people are free or not is to watch a queue at a bus stop. In the UK, people usually look tense and anxious. In China people are usually talking to each other, laughing and joking. IMHO this gives an indication as to who's free and who is not. Of course the military parades are pretty powerful and impressive. If the west ever considers invading China, then they must be totally crazy. That's of course why 'colour revolutions' are at the top of the agenda. Having followed China for 50+ years, toured China, known people who were brought up in China, met with members of the CPC, and have got (hopefully) a pretty good idea of where China has come from and of its history (very important), the video is great to watch (only seen bits of it so far).