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    Another uncommonly savvy piece from JMGreer, telling it very much as it is, and was - Archived Message

    Posted by Rhisiart Gwilym on October 3, 2019, 9:38 am

    (Marred, I'm utterly shockednhorrified to see, by the idiot phrase "one of the only" - for which I've already chidden [sic!] him pedantically! One of my intellectual heroes using such a phrase! Aaagh! )

    Warning: Contains uncomfortable thoughts for climate-panic activists. But note JM's comment on being able to hold two somewhat loggerheaded ideas in mind at the same time; useful faculty, applied here thus: Climate emergency is real, urgent and dreadful; but the current panic is a presently-fashionable band-waggon, which will pass. To which I'll add: Greta and friends are sincere good people with hearts and minds in the right place, pushing the right message; but... the gangster capitalists are also, at the same time, eying them up to see what short term profits can be wrung out of their activity by manipulating it criminally. There is no principle of mutual exclusivity here; both ideas apply, simultaneously:

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