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    Re: Another uncommonly savvy piece from JMGreer, telling it very much as it is, and was - Archived Message

    Posted by Ian M on October 3, 2019, 5:59 pm, in reply to "Re: Another uncommonly savvy piece from JMGreer, telling it very much as it is, and was -"

    Interesting from JMG, thanks. Not sure I've seen him admit he was wrong before, always a good quality. I've wondered about how politics and the desperation to keep oil flowing would result in the kind of 'gimmickry' he describes. If much of the economy is just hallucinated and based on printed money, why not just throw some of that at oil companies and keep things going even if the EROEI is in the toilet? The picture he paints of demand destruction eventually levelling off the oil price until a new round of extreme, low-return, high pollution extraction kicks off is frankly terrifying, and a recipe for climate doomsday. But I can't fault the theory (not knowing much about economics...). He has no time for apocalyptic mad-max crash fantasies, and that's fair enough (I can't stand the survivalist crowd either) but I honestly don't see what else will stop the climate and ecological meltdown, given the sheer strength of the dominant culture's inertia. There has to be a crash, it seems to me, so hard that the industrial economy simply can't pick itself up again for another round of planetary murder/suicide. What that means for those who want to save the world (sorry tman) is another question...

    Will be interested to see the follow-up, though sounds like he's going to be playing Morningstar's tune...


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