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    Rapporteur Nils Melzer at UN Archived Message

    Posted by margo on October 16, 2019, 1:02 pm

    UN Special Rapporteurs (Swedish, German and British specialists) yesterday held a press conference at the UN, reporting on issues such as domestic violence, asylum seeking, Julian Assange.

    These men are all specialists in international law which US, UK don't respect: absence of British or American journalists in the audience attests to that.
    The Guardian usually shows interest in findings on violence against women: this focus by UN Rapporteurs on domestic violence - raising the profile of this to international level - should tick boxes for Guardian coverage.
    But The Guardian's not interested: it's turned its pages over to Extinction Rebellion.
    The Guardian knows that the Feb 2020 Assange Precedent has little to do with Assange himself and everything to do with global roll-out and transnational policing of the US security state and its message.
    What is the meaning of The Guardian devoting generous space and attention to Extinction Rebellion and none to the full meaning of the west's political prisoner ... and the UK's snubbing of the Geneva Convention?

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    Previous Message

    RT--WIKILEAKS publisher Julian Assange has been subjected to “psychological torture” and his due process rights have been “systematically violated” by all the states involved, according to UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer.

    Two medical experts accompanied Melzer when he visited Assange at Belmarsh prison in the UK, he said on Tuesday.

    We came to the conclusion that he had been exposed to psychological torture for a prolonged period of time. That's a medical assessment.

    Melzer’s message fell largely on deaf ears, as only a handful of reporters attended Tuesday’s press conference at the UN headquarters in New York.

    It was not the first time that Melzer has tried to bring attention to Assange’s plight. He wrote an opinion piece about it in June, only to find it ignored or rejected by mainstream media outlets, and ended up publishing open letters to the US, British, Ecuadorian, and Swedish governments in July.

    “We asked for all the involved states to investigate this case and to alleviate the pressure that has been done on him, and especially to respect his due process rights, which in my view have been systematically violated in all these jurisdictions,” Melzer said on Tuesday.

    No country has agreed to do so, he added, even though this was their obligation under the Convention on Torture.



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